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Copyright 1991,1996, 1997, 1998 John Richard Coffey.
If you find any errors, then please let me know.- John.
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How to read chess notation.
1. ... Rxa6 2. Kxa6 e2 3. Rb1 Kf2
4. Rb2 Kf1 5. Rb1+ e1=Q 6. Rxe1
Kxe1 7. Kb5 Kf2 8. Kc4 Kb3 9. Kd3
Kxh3 wins
1. ... Rxd2 2. Kxd2 and not Kf5
3. Ke3 and g4 is threateneds. So
2. ... g5! (or b5) 3. g3 gxf4 4.
gxf4 Kf5 5. Kf3 b4 6. axb5 axb5
7. h4 h5 (c4 works too) 8. Kf3 c4
9. bxc4 bxc4 10. Kd3 c3 11. Kd3
Kxf4 wins both pawns
1. ... Bd3!! and the game Hans
Morrow vs. John Coffey continued 2.
Qxd3 Nxd3 3. Bxb4 Nxe1 4. Bxe1
Rxa4 with an excellent position.
It continued. 5. Bc3 Bxc3 6. bxc3
Rb2 7. Bf1 Rxa2 8. Rxa2 Rxa2 9.
c4 Rc2 will also win the c pawn.
Call it a matter of personal taste
as there are many ways to win this,
but my preference is 1. ... a5!
where now black will march the pawn
down and stalemate white forcing
white to play b4 and then mate 4
moves later after axb4 marches to a
queen after move 9.
Call it a matter of personal taste
as there are many ways to win
1. ... a5! (to stop the white
pawns) 2. Ke2 Kd4 3. Kd2 e3+ 4.
Ke2 Ke4
5. Ke1 Kd3 6. Kd1 e2+ 7. Ke1
Ke3! stalemating the king but white
still move pawns, so 8. b4 axb4
9. a5 b3 10. a6 b2 11. axb7 b1=Q
Black can win this because of his
extra pawn. He
wil play f4 and then f3 and the
h pawn will push to queen. But
first he
plays Kf6 to keep the White king
from going back to the kingside.
If 1.
... Kf6 2. Kc7 then b5! delays
white getting a Q. Black Queens at
the earliest around move 9.
The trick here is to trade queens
and let the extra
pawn win the game. Black has to
move his king quickly to the
queenside or
else the white pawn will queen.
Black has time to win the pawn on
a2 while
the threat of f5 and e4 will
keep white from capturing the c5
pawn. black should
be able to win by move 9.
1. .. Nxc3 with a fork on the king
and the rook. If
2. Nxc3 Qxc3 with the threat of
mate on b2. If 3. Bxc4 Rxc4 with
on c2. Now 4. Rc1 is suicidal,
as the response would be Rb4 mate.
But 5.
Re2 Ba4 with threats on c2. If
6. Rde1 Bxc2+ 7. Kc1 Bd3+ mates on
move 8. If instead 7. Rxc2
Qxc2+ 8. Ka1 Qc3+ 9. Kb1 Rb4
1. ... Bg3!! Quiet but powerful.
Black uses his pieces to attack
squares around the enemy king.
Now Black threatens 2. ... Qc4+
3. Bd3 Qxd3+ or 3. Kf3 Qg4 mate.
If 2. Kf1 then Qh1+ wins
the rook. if istead 2. Bd3
Qg4+ 3. kd2 Rxd3+ forces mate in 8
moves! If 4. Kc2 Qe4 is
crushing. i.e. 5. Kb1 R3xc3+ 6.
Ka2 Qc4+
7. Kb1 Rxf1 mate. If instead 4.
Kxd3 Qe4+ 5. Ke2 (Kd2 is worse
Rd8+) Qxg2+ 6. Kd3 Rd8+ 7.
Kc4 Qd5+ 8. Kb4 Bd6+ 9. Ka4 Qc4+
10. b4 Bc7! forces 11. ... b5
Apparently the best White has is
2. Rxg3 Qxg3 where his is down
material in a bad position.
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