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- #2
- Here is a more complicated version of
- "related squares" like position #1.
- In this starting position is it
- white's turn to move and the square
- d5 that the black king is sitting on
- is related to the square e3 where the
- White king sits.
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- #2 continued
- I will also tell you that the square
- f6 for black is related to the square
- g3 for white because black needs to
- get his king into a drawing position
- if White plays h4. (After h4 gxh4+
- Kxh4 then Kg6 draws!)
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- #2
- But white can win from this position
- by playing a trianglulation move at
- some point. For now I am going to
- leave this as an excercise for the
- reader (or the reader's computer.) I
- may elaborate more on this position
- in a futre version of the book.
- (Hint: If white can reach the same
- position with Black to move then he
- wins the game.)
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