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- COFFEY vs Fidelity Designer
- 2265 (speed game)
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- The Caro-Kann defense is one of
- Black's stronger replies. It
- prepares to put a pawn in the center
- with d7-d5. It has an advantage over
- the "French" e7-e6 in that there is
- no pawn on e6 to block the Black c8
- bishop.
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- You should put two pawns in the
- center when neither of them can be
- taken.
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- Black has only one pawn in the
- center, but it is better supported
- than either of White's pawns. White
- must do something about his attacked
- pawn.
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- White defends his pawn that was
- attacked. This will probably lead to
- the exchange of pawns and a semi-open
- game. Possible instead is e4-e5 that
- leads to more of a closed game.
- Since there are no open files to
- place rooks on, eventually both sides
- will have to try to create open
- files.
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- The purpose of this move is break up
- White's strong center.
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- This knight move prepares to play
- Ng8-f6 without a risk of doubling
- pawns. It is more common to see
- Ng8-f6, but after Ne4xf6+, Black's
- pawns get doubled. Black would
- either play e7xf6 keeping his pawn
- chain intact, or instead g7xf6 so
- that he can have a semi-open file to
- attack on the kingside, but at the
- cost of isolating his rook pawn.
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- With this move, White is waiting to
- put his knight on f3 until Black
- commits his bishop on c8 to a square.
- Thus he avoids having his knight
- pinned to f3 that might eventually
- want to go to e5 or g5. I don't like
- c2-c4 as much because White may then
- have to go to extra effort to keep
- his d4 pawn safe. Although a pawn on
- c4 would exert more control on the
- center, White has the option of
- playing c3-c4 later. The c3-c4
- maneuver might be useful later if
- Black tries to put a knight on d5.
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- It is either take or move the knight.
- Defending the knight with Bf1-d3
- Nf6xe4, Bd3xe4 Nd7-f6, Be4-d3 doesn't
- seem too bad, but White may want to
- wait to commit his biship to another
- square besides d3. What is wrong
- with Ne4-g3? I don't know.
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- Developing the knight to a strong
- square.
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- This is book according to BCO2. But
- in view of what happened in this
- game, the bishop would have been
- instead just as well off on d3.
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- Black's first mistake is that he
- should not block his queen bishop on
- c8.
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- Now the knight can come to f3 without
- being pinned by the c8 bishop.
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- Black develops, but is somewhat
- cramp.
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- Pinning the knight makes even more
- sense after Black's bishop has gone
- to d6.
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- Only accomplishes creating a weakness
- in the Black kingside. If Black
- castles kingside, White might use the
- h6 pawn as a target in a kingside
- attack. There are some good examples
- of this in the book "Logical Chess
- Move by Move".
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- Trading the bishop for the knight
- would only ease Black's crampness.
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- Black cannot hope to castle kingside
- after opening up the kingside so
- much.
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- This is a serious mistake, as it
- opens a file for the White rook on
- h1.
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- Now White isn't planning to castle
- kingside either because he has a very
- strong rook on h1 that is working
- against a "backward" Black pawn on
- h6. A pawn is said to be "backward"
- when it can't be defended by other
- pawns.
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- Necessary, as White was threatening
- Nf3xg5 which Black can't be take with
- h6xg5 because of Rh1xh8+.
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- White's knight can't be driven from
- this post by f7-f6 without
- endangering the Black king to
- Qd1-h5+.
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- Black is having a hard time putting
- his pieces on good squares.
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- Concentrating on the weak "backward"
- f7 and h6 pawns.
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- Forces White to do what he would have
- done anyway! Instead of moving this
- piece for the third time he should
- make preparations to castle.
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- White's threat is to play Ne5xf7!
- Then Black couldn't respond with
- Qf6xf7?? because of Bd3-g6! pinning
- the Black queen to the King. Notice
- that none of Black's other pieces can
- come to the defense of the f7 pawn.
- If Black were to play Rh8-f8, then
- the h6 pawn would drop.
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- Notice that Black is moving his
- knight too many times.
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- Castling helps activate the rooks.
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- Greed. Black needs desperately to
- complete his development. It is
- rarely a good idea to attack when you
- are behind in development. This
- shows that the computer has a
- complete disregard for the safety of
- its King. I doubt that a human
- Master would have made the same
- mistake.
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- Necessary to prevent Qf2xb2 mate.
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- Retreat. What should
- White do now?
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- Might as well add another piece to
- the attack! This is better than
- Ne5xf7 as
- White is going to win the pawn
- anyway. Consider Black dead now.
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- No good place to go.
- Which way should White take the f7
- pawn? I have asked many
- students this question, and I usually
- get many different answers.
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- This is the best way to capture the
- pawn as it threatens the queen while
- it threatens discovered check from
- the queen on h5 by moving the rook.
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- Mate in 2 coming up. What should
- White do next?
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- Also Rf7-f8+ instead forces mate.
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